Global Version 1.0
1 Jan 2021

Cookie Policy

Understanding how and why we use cookies

The use of cookies in IQVIA websites is an integral part of creating the most secure and effective environment possible for our customers. In our sites cookies are used predominantly for security to ensure that the level of access for an individual logon is maintained throughout a browsing session. It is important to note that all IQVIA websites only use �session cookies�. This means that the cookies created only exist whilst your browser is open. As soon as your browser is closed, all session cookies are destroyed. IQVIA does not use �persistent cookies� in any of its websites.

It is also important to note that the majority of these session cookies are only used to store information that you have previously provided to us and that is already stored in your main database. In some cases cookies will be used to assist in maintaining a log of which parts of our websites have been accessed. This feature is enabled and reported at the request of individual clients.

The use of session cookies is an important component of IQVIA Connection, and it is not possible to logon without session cookies enabled.

What are cookies, and what do they contain?

A cookie is essentially a small amount of data sent to your computer or mobile device by a website�s server. This data is stored as a simple text file. Only the website�s server will be able to retrieve or read the contents of that cookie and each cookie is unique to your web browser. A cookie will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the site name and some digits and numbers. It allows a website to remember things like your preferences or what�s in a shopping basket.

Some cookies are deleted when you close down your browser. These are known as session cookies. Others remain on your device until they expire or you delete them from your cache. These are known as persistent cookies and enable a website to remember things about you between visits.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit (please note that IQVIA assumes no responsibility for the contents of this site).

How cookies make our website safer and easier to use

Cookies are used for a variety of reasons. IQVIA websites use them sparingly and as a means to safeguard your privacy when accessing our sites. They are an integral part of logging onto IQVIA Connection.

We also use 'analytics' cookies in some of our websites to monitor on report on usage. This allows us to continually refine our reporting and improve our service.

When we include links to other websites, please bear in mind they will have their own privacy and cookie policies that will govern the use of any information you submit. We recommend you read their policies as IQVIA is not responsible or liable for their privacy practices.

How you can manage your cookies

The browsers of most computers, tablets, smartphones and other web-enabled devices are typically set up to accept cookies. If you wish to amend your cookie preferences for this website or any other websites, you can do this through your browser settings. Your browser's 'help' function will tell you how to do this.

However, please remember that session cookies are vital to log onto IQVIA Connection. If your browser is set to disable 'session' cookies you will still be able to view our public websites, but you won't be able to log on to your IQVIA Connection desktop and administration suites.

For more information about how to disable cookies, visit (please note that IQVIA assumes no responsibility for the contents of this site).

Frequently asked questions

If I use cookies, will I get cold calls or junk mail?
No - personal information is not gathered by using cookies on any IQVIA websites.

Can cookies pass on my personal information to others?
No - personal information is not gathered by using cookies on any IQVIA websites.

Do cookies compromise my security when I'm logged on to Internet Banking?
No - The cookies we use are completely safe and secure. In fact, many of them are used purely to provide important security features such as protecting your data and your accounts.

If I use a public computer, will someone be able to get my details from the cookies?
No - Our cookies cannot be used by anyone else who has access to the computer to find out anything about you, other than the fact that someone using the computer may have visited a certain website. Our cookies do not in any way compromise the security of your IQVIA Connection logons.

Can cookies allow others access to my computer's hard drive?
No - The cookies we use cannot look into your computer, smartphone or web-enabled device and obtain information about you or read any material kept on your hard drive.